Excel Template For Tracking Monthly/Annual Business Finances

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Track your sales, refunds, and expenses for an accurate calculation of your profit both month-to-month and yearly.

Would you like a simple template to help you track your sales, refunds, and expenses to calculate your monthly and annual profit? If so then you've found it!

Our template will help you stay in the green. Sure sales can be coming in, but it’s important to keep track of whether refunds and expenses are putting you in the red. By tracking this information you will be able to see how your businesses income fluctuates throughout the year, and address any negative patterns forming - or encourage positive ones!

What's included in our template?

Our template covers a full year helping you to track the following for each month, all fed into an annual summary:


  • Who bought it
  • The package name
  • Sale date
  • Amount
  • Reference
  • Notes


  • Who it was for
  • Which package it was for
  • Refund date
  • Amount
  • Reference
  • Reason why


  • Supplier
  • Item(s) purchased
  • Date
  • Amount
  • Notes

Limitations of using a template

A template like ours is fine when the number of clients and transactions you have is reasonably low. But as your business grows a time will come when the effort required to generate these numbers manually is too much.

You may also be using our sister template to track your class performance.

At this point you should consider switching to a platform like Striive that can calculate these summaries for you. The time you save will be worth 10x the cost of the platform.

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Have your financial tracking done automatically

Since Striive includes a full set of features to power your package sales and client management, all your finances are taken care of too. Every client purchase, every enrolment payment, every cancellation or refund. THey are all processed or tracked through Striive and presented to you in reports. This means it will take you exactly zero minutes to ensure all your finances are up to date and see how your business is performing.

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