
Platform updates and new feature releases

We frequently release updates to the system and post the details here.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Class waitlists

Here's one you've all been waiting for. You can now enable waitlists for classes in your organisation settings. Just turn it on and you're done. Once a class becomes full, clients will be offered the chance to join its waitlist. If someone drops out, a member of the waitlist can then take their space.

You can decide who gets the spot by manually enrolling people onto the class. Or if that all sounds like to much work (and we don't blame you if it does) simply turn on the 'automatic' option and we'll instantly send out email and app notifications to everyone on the waitlist for you, telling them a space has become available.

Our priority is to ensure your classes remain full, so there's no over-complicated order of eligibility. If someone cancels a couple of hours before a class starts there is no time to waste. We tell everyone who's interested and get that space filled ASAP!

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Client App v1.1

It's been a few months since we first launched our client app. Since then we received various pieces of feedback and also learned a few lessons of our own. So it was time for us to pop the hood and make some improvements.

Things should now feel a bit faster and more stable. A couple of situations that could cause the app to have an 'extended think' have been removed and we've given the underpinnings a thorough going over. This improves the experience your clients are having right now, whilst also setting us up to release improvements smoothly in the future.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Free taster class promotion

Today we've launched a new promotions area which you can find in your organisation menu. You can't miss it, we've given it a fancy gold icon!

This is where we will be adding promotions that you can switch on as and when you want. The first promotion off the rank is the most requested. The ability to offer all new clients their first class for free. It couldn't be simpler to use. Configure which classes are eligible and the date the promotion should apply from. Every new client that signs up from that date on will automatically be offered the chance to enrol onto an eligible class for free. We'll highlight those clients that did in your attendee lists so they stand out (yep, we used a gold icon for that too).

More promotions will be on the way soon. Have an idea for one you'd like to see us add? Drop us a message below and tell us.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

A complete client onboarding overhaul

Over the last few months we received feedback from businesses adopting Striive about the steps required to transfer or introduce clients to their accounts. This feedback made it clear we needed to work on streamlining the experience not only for the clients, but also you the business owners.

The changes released today are numerous but here are the key takeaways:

  1. You can now invite up to 20 clients at once (horray!).
  2. When adding clients manually you can send a single request to the client for additional information that includes PAR-Q, agreement signing, and password creation.
  3. If you have the client area/app enabled for your organisation, we will ask all new clients to create passwords and direct them to download the client apps (whichever entry point they used).
  4. All new clients (however they signed up) can sign in to the client area or apps immediately. However they will not be able to make any purchases until you have accepted them as clients.
  5. If you have your public sign up URL enabled you can now add agreement signing to this process (and choose which agreement they should sign).
  6. We've added the option to write default messages for use when inviting, approving, or rejecting new clients. These defaults pre-fill the message field in each scenario and can be modified before sending if needed.
Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Team member feeds

Up until now, to see what other members of your team are up to you needed to look at the calendar. It worked, but it wasn't the most convenient thing in the world. So now you can switch your dashboard feed to instantly see what someone else is doing.

As part of this work we also consolidated two 'add' buttons into one master button at the top right of your dashboard. So now there is just one place to go for everything.

Friday, July 5, 2024

Personal messages in client invites

Until now the emails sent to clients when you invite them to sign up have been pretty generic. Just our standard instructional wording. But now that's changed. From today you can include a personal message when inviting a new client. This means you can refer to a meeting you had previously, or include some encouraging words to get them to take the next step.

We've also made some improvements when you are adding a client's details yourself. We've added the option to send them a client area and app invite immediately, also with the option to include a personal message. This should masively speed up the process of onboarding new clients when setting up your Striive account, or if you prefer to add clients to your roster yourself, instead of sending our invitations.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Improved class dates management

Today we've added a few more tools to your belt when managing classes:

  1. If you need to stop running a class, you can now cancel all future planned dates at the same time. When you do this, any clients enrolled will be notified and everyone will have credits issued as needed.
  2. Alternatively you can select specific classes and just cancel those.
  3. You can now filter the planned dates list for any class by location and/or teacher. This should let you easily keep track of who's doing what and when.
  4. You can also filter the planned dates list to only show you dates with spaces remaining. Handy if you are trying to find availability for someone.
Thursday, July 4, 2024

Group session packs for up to 10 clients

Since time began we have championed the benefits of using group sessions to maximise your own income whilst also offering increased value to your clients. Until now group sessions in Striive had a client limit of four. We don't really know why, it was just the number we chose at the time. So when we were asked recently whether we could increase it, we looked at each other, shrugged our shoulders, and said "sure".

Fast forward a week and a minor design tweak, and here we are. You can now create session packs for up to ten clients. Why ten? Well, it's more than four.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Order the packages in your shop

Until now you haven't had any control over the order your packages appear in your client shop. Until now!

In your client area settings you can now change the order your packages appear. Just drag them into the desired order and hit save. Simple.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Client app now in the Play Store

Following hot on the heels of the release of our iOS client app last month, we're pleased to say its sister Android version is now available too!

As with the iOS app, all the functionality your clients are used to seeing in your web client area is replicated in the Android app. It's design will be familiar to your clients whilst also being tailored to provide the best user experience on a smart phone.

You can find the app in the Play Store here.

And don't forget, for your Apple clients, the iOS version is available in the App Store here.

Friday, May 24, 2024

Class limits for memberships

Until now all memberships created in Striive allowed your clients to attend as many classes as they wanted. Generous yes, but sometimes a little impractical. So today we're pleased to have released an update that allows you to specify how many classes per week/month a client is allowed to attend. And the best part is you can add this limit to your existing memberships. Find the option lurking beneath the allowed classes selector when creating or editing a membership. As with the aforementioned allowed classes selector, the attendance limit setting will impact all new and existing subscribers when edited.

As part of this upgrade we have also improved how your package terms are displayed in the shop in both the client area and mobile app. This should make things clearer for your clients and also removes the need for you to explain the terms of your packages in their descriptions.

Friday, May 3, 2024

Client experience updates (app and web)

A host of updates have been released today across both client facing environments.

iOS app

A few post-release improvements as we continue to roll out the new app. Updates include support for remote sessions and classes, enhancements to the enrolment system, and a few UI tweaks.

Web client area

To accompany the launch of the iOS app we have made a host of continuity updates to the web view. These changes include visual updates, terminology, and security improvements.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Client app now in the App Store

Convenience is key for your clients, and to date they have needed to log in to your web based client area to manage their bookings and payments. Well now that's all changed as the brand new client app is now in the App Store for all your iPhone based clients to use!!

The app replicates the functionality clients are used to accessing from the web client area. It's design will be familiar to your clients whilst also being tailored to provide the best user experience on a smart phone.

You can find the app in the App Store here.

And for all your non Apple clients, never fear, the Android version with be released really soon!

Friday, January 19, 2024

Calendar and planning upgrades

Today's release is a direct follow on from our last. The team management upgrades put additional stress on our calendar and your feedback confirmed this. So we went to work on a massive overhaul of the way events are added and managed.

So what's different?

A completely new experience when planning sessions, class dates and appointments

  • New inline repeat, date switch, and teacher selection controls
  • Brand new availability review process which also now supports appointments
  • Added flexibility when planning events over a holiday
  • More robust functionality when planning sessions or classes that switch between different teachers
  • Many interface improvements when planning on your mobile
  • Improvements to the cover list and event claiming processes

In addition to the above this release includes 42 other performance improvements, bug fixes, and feature enhancements.

Friday, January 19, 2024

12/24 hour time preference

To date Striive has only supported event management using a 24 hour clock. We are aware not everyone likes to work this way, so today we added the option to switch your account between using a 12 hour or 24 hour time format.

This is an account level setting which means everyone (teacher or client) can change their preference and see times the way they prefer.

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Team management, design, activity feeds

Today marks the release of some major updates across all areas of the Striive platform. This is by far the single biggest update we've ever done (yes, we've said this before, but this time we really mean it). So what's included...

Team management

At the heart of these updates is the introduction of our team management features. Instead of Striive accounts only being for solo or freelance pros, you can now run a team from your account. You will notice that you are now the owner of your business (we call it an 'organisation'). Simply invite more people to join your team and once they've created an account you'll be able to assign packages, session packs, and classes to them to teach. You can move people between sessions and class dates if needed and use our cover feature if people will be absent. Each team member has their own access to Striive where they can see the events assigned to them, mark attendances, and pick events available to them from your cover list. They can also manage their own calendar, adding in holidays and appointments so you know when they are available.

Multiple organisations

If you run multiple businesses you can create additional organisations inside your Striive account. And it's possible to teach for multiple different businesses using just one login.

You can expect a lot of additional updates to our team features over the coming months.

A new design

Building the team features above pushed our previous design to breaking point. We'd been contemplating a design refresh for a while but it rapidly became a necessity. So say hello to the new side nav (for those of you on a computer). We've also improved the navigation system and freshened up all the other screens to match. But we didn't leave the client area out. That's also received a raft of updates to make it easier to use.

Activity feed

Have you ever wondered if anything was going on with your clients from day to day? There was limited visibility of client actions and you'd be forgiven for forgetting if you sent that PAR-Q to a client. Well wonder no more. The new activity feed tracks 28 different actions across the system, so whether it's sending a new client invite, or a client purchasing a new class pass, you'll be able to see things happening in real time from your dashboard.

Thursday, November 10, 2022

Changes to plans and pricing

This week we have released some changes to the way our paid plans work.

What has changed?

We will no longer be limiting access to functionality based upon your plan. This means the previous SESSIONS and CLASSES plans have now been discontinued. All plans now have access to all of our features. This ensures no-one is discouraged from starting their first class, or taking on their first private client just because they are subscribed to the wrong plan. This change also allows us to focus more on improving Striive for everyone at the same time.

Instead of Striive plans being anchored around your method of delivery, we have created new plans based upon the number of active clients in your account. This means we can ensure Striive is good value for all users of any business size.

Why the changes?

There were two main reasons why these changes were necessary.

Firstly, the range of businesses signing up to use Striive has changed during 2022. Our original post-lockdown goal of supporting solo freelancers and the self-employed has been accompanied by many larger, more established gyms and studios signing up and adopting our platform. These larger brands have different requirements and meeting their expectations requires a different approach from us.

Continuing to develop the Striive platform in line with the expectations of a broader audience required us to re-evaluate our pricing strategy. Simply put, pricing intended for a solo freelancer does not transfer well to the demands of an independent studio with a larger client base and multiple staff. Adjusting our plans to suit this range of applications ensures we will be a sustainable business in the future.

New pricing explained

First up, we now have plans in GBP, USD, and EUR. We are delighted these are now available as they have been requested for some time.

Our entry level plan is called Foundation and will cost £19, $29 or €24 per month for the first 6 months. This allows you to deliver unlimited sessions and classes for up to 50 clients. Foundation aims to allow fledgling businesses to experiment and grow at minimal cost. After six months the standard price of Foundation will rise to £29, $39 or €34 per month. We anticipate the Foundation plan will continue to be the plan of choice for the majority of freelance and self-employed PT's and trainers signing up to Striive, with the monthly cost for this type of user remaining the same as before, or less.

For those of you with a larger client base, adoption of our online payment, membership, and class management features is greater. We have therefore created a number of new plans to support your growth in the most economical way possible. Find out about these new plans on our pricing page here.

Monday, August 8, 2022

Manual membership enrolment and schedule limits

Today we've released a few enhancements to classes.

Manual membership enrolments

You can now enrol a client onto a class yourself if they are a membership subscriber. Until now subscribed clients could only enrol themselves via your portal. Now you can enrol them yourself whether they are a class pass holder, subscriber, or you are processing a single enrolment. All bases covered!

Single enrolment is now 'Pay As You Go'

To simplify our terminology we've stopped using the term 'single enrolment' in favour of 'Pay As You Go'. So now, when creating classes and enrolling clients, look out for this wording change. It simply describes clients paying for one class date at a time.

Class schedule/enrolment limit

We've added a new class display setting which lets you choose how far in advance clients can see (and enrol onto) your future classes. We've defaulted the setting to 4 weeks. If that doesn't work for you just pop over to 'Brand & Portal' in the account menu, scroll down to the bottom, and change it.

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Client birthdays and anniversaries

Today's update makes it easy for you to give clients that extra personal touch. Striive will now tell you when each of your clients has a birthday. This will appear in your calendar feed, in your daily email, and in various other places around the system (including class attendee lists).

In addition we also tell you when you and a client have an anniversary, making it easy to celebrate your relationship and reflect on their progress to date.

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Unlimited classes

Until today every class you create needed to have a specified capacity. This was proving a little annoying for those of you doing classes in bigger venues or on Zoom where you didn't necessarily want to impose a limit. Now, capacity is an optional setting when creating or editing a class. You can also change this setting for individual class dates if you wish.

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Social sign in and an army of improvements

Today we have released a huge general update, with every part of the system having had an improvement made, whether it's an a new layout, menu navigation, or technical optimisation.

The biggest single change has been the introduction of social sign up and a completely new onboarding experience. Google and Facebook are supported for now. It is likely that more will follow in the future.

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Flexible working hours and location availability

Today's update gives you more control over your working hours, locations, and how clients can request sessions.

You can now set different working hours for different days of the week. This includes configuring multiple work periods per day if you need to, accommodating things like lunch breaks and split shifts.

In addition, you can set the locations you will be available at during each work period. This means you will only receive session requests for days and times when you are at the correct location.

Friday, March 25, 2022

Design update for forms

Todays update will be noticeable across the system and also addresses a few specific usability challenges you've reported.

  1. We have applied a design update to every form in the pro app. Removing clutter and simplifying the layout. We hope you like it!
  2. We've also made improvements to the process when editing a class, class date, session pack or session. It's now much easier to know when you are just updating a single event, or when you also what your change to apply to all future/planned events too.

As ever, we've squeezed in a few bug fixes and general improvements behind the scenes too.

Monday, January 24, 2022

Package only classes

Previously, Striive would let clients enrol onto individual classes if they did not hold a valid class pass or membership (you might call this pay-as-you-go). However it became clear that for some of you this wasn't ideal. Instead, requiring clients to commit to buying a package was preferred as it demonstrated commitment and created a more reliable income.

We have now added a control to each class, letting you decide if you want to allow single enrolments. If you do, you can specify the cost. If not, clients will be instructed to purchase a valid class pass or membership to enrol.

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Public sign-ups

Some of you told us that having to send invites to every new client was getting a bit tedious. So now you can add a link to your website or social accounts and people can sign up with you whenever they want without needing you involved at all! Find the new option in your portal settings.

Don't worry, all new sign-ups still go through review so you have the option to reject anyone you don't want to work with.

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Monthly summary

Striive now sends you a handy roundup of your activity during the previous month, including the number of new and active clients you had, total sales and money received/spent, and a count of the number of sessions, classes and consultations you delivered.

Monday, September 13, 2021

Package duplication

Often when you have multiple packages, a lot of their information is the same. Things like the usage terms, expiry rules, or included classes. Therefore, to make it easier when creating new packages we added a duplicate option. Now, if you have taken the time to perfectly craft one package, you can use it as the starting point for the next.

But there's more!

Alongside a whole raft of performance improvements, we've also added class descriptions. So now you're free to explain to clients what they can expect from your classes when they enrol.

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

SMS alerts for you too!

You've been used to sending SMS notifications to clients for a long time now, but as from today you can get them too! Just for the important stuff initially; when a new client signs up, and when a client cancels a session, you'll now get an alert directly to your phone so you don't miss it.

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Big updates for clients!

Todays release works on a section that hasn't seen change in a while. Clients!

We've completely redesigned the client list, showing you much more information about each client's engagement level and access. Then, once you decide to view a client, you'll notice more of the important information you need is now in one place. No need to keep clicking between multiple tabs, all the details of their current session packs, memberships, or class passes are there to view at a glance.

You'll also see a new invites list. This stores all the active invites you have sent out to clients and their status, including new client invites, PAR-Q and Agreement requests, as well as invites to access your portal.

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

More list designs and packages improvements

Following on from our changes in the memberships area, we've now rolled the same updates across session packs, class passes and payments too. These screens are now far more useful, giving you a better understanding of what's going on with your clients and making it easier to find the information you need.

At the same time as the design update, we've also made an important structural change. The packages section has now vanished from the main menu with your packages now taking their rightful place inside their respective areas. So to add or edit a class pass package, go to the class passes section. To add or edit a session pack package, go to the session packs section. Simple!

Monday, August 9, 2021

Improved designs for list screens

For a while we've been preparing a major change to how we display listed information in the system. Today is the first stage of this being realised with our brand new list design being implemented into the memberships section. The new design provides much more information in one place as well as giving you better filtering options.

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Calendar integration

A guaranteed crowd pleaser. You can now see all your Striive events on your favourite calendar app using our new iCal integration. Just go to account settings and copy your unique iCal URL to subscribe most calendar apps, including Google and iOS Calendars.

Wednesday, June 2, 2021


Fighting our previous release for the title of 'biggest ever system update'. Today marks the addition of our first round of membership management features. This means you can now use Striive to run almost any business model (or combinations thereof).

What's a membership?

A membership is a new way of selling your services in Striive. Clients can sign up to a recurring payment plan, where they will pay you a set amount every week, month or year to access your services. You can use this system to bill for anything you like, even services you don't provide through Striive. Just use us as the collection system. A membership can also include access to your classes if you want.

Naturally our memberships system plays nice with our existing delivery options, so if you want to you can facilitate pay as you go class enrolments, sell class passes and offer monthly memberships all within one Striive account. And with everything neatly linked into the client portal your clients have full access to subscribe/unsubscribe from your membership schemes at will.

There is more (of course)

Alongside this sizeable system update, we've also thrown in a few smaller improvements for you to enjoy:

  1. You can now ask Striive to send out class reminder emails to clients an hour before each class. These include the virtual meeting details (if applicable) so everyone knows where to be.
  2. We've made a new pre-class 'who's attending' email for you. Sent 15 minutes before each class is due to start, you can see at a glance who is supposed to be attending.
  3. We've made creating new class pass and session pack templates a bit more intuitive.
  4. Approximately 50 improvements to the client portal (design and usability) and a raft of minor bug fixes and enhancements across the system.
Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Packages and class enrolments!

This is the biggest single update we've ever done (a characteristic matched by the length of this post) and it brings two big additions to the system. We know some of you have been waiting a long time for these.


The new packages section lets you create different service combinations that can then be 'assigned to' or 'purchased by' your clients. There are two main package types:

  • Class passes: Give clients access to your classes with various options to limit which ones, how often, and for how much (amongst other things).
  • Session packs: Offer clients a pre-determined amount of session time for a specific cost.

Purchase via Striive Payments

Packages can be assigned to clients by you, or they can buy them themselves. To use the latter option you'll need to have Striive Payments set up, which opens up the following opportunities:

  • Portal: Clients can view your available packages and buy them directly from your Striive Portal.
  • Invite: You can send clients an email invite to buy a class pass, and they are one click away from the promised land!

As you might expect, purchased packages will automatically appear inside your Striive account, assigned to the correct client, with the payment logged and included in your sales reports.

Private classes

The second type of class is now here! We call them Private Classes which essentially means you organise them and control who attends.

Create a new class, specify all the details you'd expect (capacity, price, etc.) and your clients will be able to enrol, either paying the one-off rate, or by using their eligible class passes.

And there's more!

We also squeezed in a few smaller improvements which might take you a bit longer to notice:

  • Bookings are now called session packs, and they have names (OK you probably noticed this one)
  • The main navigation menus have a brand new design
  • We've improved the time selector when creating session packs and packages
  • Old classes you no-longer teach can now be archived!
Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Redesigned client portal

With all the new functionality added over the last few months, the client portal was starting to look a bit untidy. We like to take a long term view here at Striive towers, so the decision was made to give the poor thing a complete overhaul.

As well as improving existing functionality, new elements have been introduced to complement our new package and class features:

  • Clients can enrol onto your classes
  • Clients can cancel their enrolments (with your cancellation policy enforced)
  • Clients can browse and buy your packages
  • Existing session payments, requesting and cancellation has been improved
17th November 2020

Striive Payments powered by Stripe

We're thrilled to announce the first release of our integrated online payment platform. We've called it Striive Payments and it uses Stripe (a major payment processor) to make receiving booking payments an absolute joy!

To get started you'll need to create yourself a Stripe account which becomes connected to your Striive account. This takes about 5 minutes. Just go to your account settings and beside your accepted payment methods you'll find the option to setup online payments.

Once setup, Striive payments gives all your clients the opportunity to make an online payment whenever they receive a booking confirmation or statement. They can also make payments against their outstanding balance from within your client portal (if enabled).

Whenever an online payment is received, it is automatically tracked against the correct booking and the payment appears within your Striive account. You'll never need to manually reconcile a payment again and your client debt reports are always 100% up-to-date!

2nd November 2020

Ending bookings early and support for negative balances

Today we released a major system update, however you'd be forgiven if you hadn't noticed. This is because most change occurred behind the scenes as part of a new feature build we are working on.

That said there are a few things to note:

  • The add/edit payment screen has been completely rebuilt.
  • A new button on active bookings lets you end the booking early with one click. Handy if a client deserts you half way through their booking, gets injured, or if, you know, your country goes into lockdown or something...
  • The system now accepts and tracks negative client balances (meaning you owe the client money). A scenario made possible in part by point 2 above (although not exclusively).
  • We've also made a number of improvements to the client sign-up and review screens, mostly in support of the PAR-Q now being an optional component you can enable in your account settings.
28th September 2020

Client session cancellation and session requests

Clients can now see your availability and make session requests from your portal. We only give them windows of opportunity based upon gaps in your schedule. No information about what you are doing is made available. Be sure to set your working days and working hours in settings to limit when they can request.

They can also cancel sessions from your client portal. Set your cancellation policy in your account settings and we'll enforce it for you. You'll get a notification so you know it's happened.

28th September 2020


An employer is a person or business that pays you to teach a class for them. This might be different to the classes location (especially in the case of virtual classes). Create an entry in the new Employers section and link them to their respective classes.

When you confirm class fees, they'll also be linked to that employer for invoicing later on (sneaky feature preview there).

When you reschedule or cancel a class date, you can now send a notification to the employer letting them know. We've also added a handy 'send schedule' button which sends your employer a list of all the class dates you have planned on your schedule.

28th July 2020

Virtual locations for sessions, classes and consultations

This is our biggest update in a while. The world has changed a lot in the last few months so we've made adjustments of our own across the system to help you serve clients both now and into the future.

Virtual locations

You can now work seamlessly across multiple location types (physical and virtual):

  • New support for Zoom, Google Meet, Skype Groups and WhatsApp Groups.
  • A new video call option added as a backup selection if you do FaceTime or Duo calls.
  • Add virtual meeting details when you setup a new booking, class or consultation.
  • Links (and passwords) for repeat meetings and groups are included in all client confirmations, reminders, and in each client's portal, so you can set them up once and then forget about them.
  • Newly planned sessions and class dates will use their parent booking/class location by default, which you can change at any time.
  • Easily switch individual events between locations as needed without changing the parent booking/class.
  • Change the location details for all future booking sessions or class dates with a single click.
  • Virtual locations will now be included in your existing location report.

Some other improvements of note

  • The starter plan now lets you train up to 3 active clients at the same time (it used to be 2).
  • You can now create new events directly from the dashboard. No need to go to the schedule first.
  • The new booking and new class screens have been given a makeover to bring them into line with the new location options.
  • We've adopted a more intelligent approach to client price suggestions when creating a group booking
  • When repeating an event on your schedule, we now show you the date of the last entry that will be created, which is both useful and satisfying in equal measure!

Naturally we bundled in a few bug fixes too

  • The profit report could sometimes calculate your margin to 10 decimal places. We're all for accuracy but that was excessive!
  • When rescheduling a consultation, the client details from the original were not always being copied across automatically.
  • A weird bug that meant editing a booking could cause all its sessions to temporarily turn red and become unclickable.
  • Occasionally your task list would not allow itself to be reordered, which was very frustrating!
  • Some past consultations couldn't be dismissed from your follow-up list, meaning you could never remove the task from your dashboard.
30th June 2020

Booking details and service agreements

This is the second client portal update, bringing your clients the ability to:

  1. View a copy of their current service agreement.
  2. See the details of their active bookings.
  3. Update the details of their nominated emergency contact.
19th June 2020

Client session schedules and payment history

This is the first update focussed on the new client portal, bringing clients the ability to:

  1. See their own schedule of upcoming sessions.
  2. See a record of their previous booking payments.
  3. Update their contact details.
4th June 2020

Branded client sign-up and document management

Following on from stage one below, we have now released our completely updated client sign-up, PAR-Q and service agreement system. So what does that mean?

  1. Choose whether you want a new client to sign your service agreement during initial sign up, or whether you'd prefer to review their goals and PAR-Q answers first.
  2. Send existing clients a request to submit a new PAR-Q or sign a new service agreement remotely.
  3. Use our brand new device sharing system which allows you to complete new client sign-ups and PAR-Q/agreement updates in person on your computer, tablet or phone.
  4. Change the design of the remote or handover systems to match your own brand and colours.

We've also added a signature strip to the new agreement signing system

14th May 2020

Remote sign-up clients and portal invites

Hurrah! A long-awaited feature that's become even more necessary since lockdown began. We've launched the first stage of our remote client sign-up system. This first release lets you:

  1. Send an invite email to your new clients
  2. Let's them enter their key details directly into your portal
  3. Provides you with a neat listing of new sign ups to review
  4. Allows you to request clients to setup password to access your private client area

The next release is coming very soon and will add PAR-Q and agreement steps to make this system fully featured and ready to make remote training a much more seamless experience in these crazy times!

We've also squashed a bug that was stopping you from changing your account email address. So if that is something you've been trying to do recently, please try again and we're sorry. Very sorry!

24th April 2020

Activate your client portal

We're currently building our new client portal feature. This will allow your clients to manage their training information remotely and in their own time.

Our first release lets you activate your portal, adjust how it looks, and choose whether to include your upcoming class listing for people to see. Watch this space for future releases bringing more features designed to help you save time and keep your business organised!

7th April 2020

Session rent report

Do you report your PT time to a gym manager in order to pay rent? If so then this update should save you time.

Simply select the date range you want (or choose from one of our presets) and InGym will give you a breakdown of your activity across all your training locations. Use this report in a couple of ways:

  1. Instantly calculate the figures you need to provide each week/month
  2. Check invoices you receive are correct before you pay them

This is a feature we were working on before the Coronavirus lockdown started. We've decided to release it anyway as it may help if you are checking your existing rent bills, or dealing with session cancellations due to gyms being closed.

6th April 2020

Studio classes

This is the release of our first classes feature. It's been designed for those of you who get paid teach at a gym or sports club.

It's the first stage of our class support, helping you plan dates into your schedule and track income as you teach. We call these Studio classes, which means any class where you're paid a fee to teach, and you're not in charge of client enrolment or payment.

This is a feature we were working on before the Coronavirus lockdown started. We've decided to release it anyway, as it forms the foundation of some bigger updates we have planned for the future.

21st January 2020

Updated cancellation system

Today we released some improvements to the process of cancelling upcoming events. It's been refined to be easier to use, and also works much better on mobile (which is where you need it most!)

14th January 2020

Referral system launched

Our new referral system allows you to earn free Growth and Pro months by telling your friends and colleagues about InGym.

Personalised referral links are now available in every InGym account and there's no limit to the number of free months you can earn. For more information please refer to our Terms of Use.

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