Gen Z Marketing

The Fitness Industry's Next Top Client? Creating Offers And Marketing Strategies For Gen Z

minute read
Gen Z is projected to have the most significant financial impact on the fitness industry ever - don't let them pass you by!

Clients are the lifeblood of your fitness business, and you need to stay one step ahead of new generations. Gen Z – people born between 1997 and 2012 – are powerful consumers. It’s time to think about how to create and market fitness offers that appeal to this health-conscious demographic.

The Z-Force awakens

People who fall into the Gen Z category are between 12 and 27 years old. In other words, they’re primed for fitness. Younger Gen Z-ers are keen to make their mark and find their own interests. Older Gen Z-ers are at peak physical prowess, often with disposable income to invest.

According to IHRSA, Gen Z is projected to have the most significant financial impact on the fitness industry...ever. Other studies suggest that Gen Z represent an above-average % of gym memberships, are more likely to seek the support of PTs or coaches, and spend more on apps, wearables, and digital fitness products than other generations. They’re deeply interested in health and fitness, and prepared to put their money where their morals are.

Why Gen Z are your next biggest client base

1. PTs are a flex

Gen Z are serious about getting expert support. Having a PT or online coach is a big deal for this generation, and they’re proud to shout about it.

2. Fitness as a social network

Fitness is Gen Z’s new social scene. Running clubs and lifting groups are popping up faster than you can say "burpee”, and Gen Z are keen to stick around after the workout.

3. Tech-savvy sweat sessions

If it bleeps or has Bluetooth, Gen Z is all over it. This generation has adopted digital faster than some smartphones finish an update. If it's high-tech, it's high on their list.

4. Gyms are the new student unions

Gym spaces are a key part of the higher education experience. Uni gyms aren't just for building muscle. Gen Z go to fitness spaces for their mental health and building communities, too.

Why is Gen Z so invested in fitness?

Personal values vs cost value

Gen Z like to invest in brands and businesses that align with their values – and they tend to be vocal about what those are. On balance, Gen Z want to know that your business stands for more than profit.

Wellness as a top trend

Physical health and mental wellbeing have been a massive topic for all generations, especially since Covid. Whilst previous generations might see fitness as a chore or a privilege, Gen Z see it as an integral non-negotiable for wellbeing.

Zero barriers for Gen Z

Thanks to tech and changing attitudes, the barriers to fitness engagement are lower for Gen Z than any previous generation. Obviously barriers exist, especially for Gen Z-ers from lower income backgrounds and minorities. But Gen Z tends not to see obstacles, they tend to see challenges – and they love those.

Muscular body standards

Forget 90s low-rise jeans or 2010 Kardashian curves. Gen Z loves muscle. Strong is the new sexy – and Gen Z women are championing this trend more than anyone. The surge in female engagement with strength training is informing gym layout, design, and equipment procurement.

Fitness marketing for Gen Z clients

Be authentic

Gen Z can smell inauthenticity a mile off. They’re looking for value-driven realness that fits with their values. Sell yourself as much as you sell your offer.

Social media marketing

Short-form video content is your new best friend. Show off your personality, showcase your community, and get Gen Z coming back for more.

Community is key

Highlight the social aspect of your gym or client group. Showcase classes, events, and the friendships formed at your facility.

Talk to them about tech

High tech equipment, smart watches, an app… Gen Z will respond well to any tech integration you can offer them.

Designing fitness offers for Gen Z

Flexible memberships

Offer flexible, commitment-phobe friendly options that will work when Gen Z clients travel, change jobs, or move to a new part of town. Think short-term passes or easy pause features.

Holistic health and wellness

For Gen Z, fitness isn’t just about the body. They’re likely to also want nutrition guidance, mental health resources, and recovery.

Social challenges

Tap into their competitive spirit with fitness challenges. Bonus points if it's shareable on social media!

Tech-enhanced training

Can you offer virtual options, or Incorporate wearable tech data into your offers?

Why your fitness business shouldn’t ignore Gen Z

Gen Z isn't just the future of fitness, they're shaping it right now. From their influence on trends to their consumer purchasing power, Gen Z will impact your business – so get one step ahead.

Create authentic, social, tech-savvy experiences that align with their values. Why not start by creating a social event or special class – and use Striive to manage bookings.

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