Excel Invoice Template For PT Or Fitness Clients

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Save yourself hours of admin time and streamline your finances with this Excel invoice template.

Running a fitness business means you have to wear many hats: marketer, facilities manager, customer services expert, and head of finance.

Hands up if you really loathe raising invoices? Boring, isn’t it? But invoices are crucial to any successful business. You can’t make money without them.

Below is a free downloadable invoice template that will work for any fitness business, whether you’re a PT, fitness trainer, fitness instructor, yoga instructor or sports coach. Using our invoice template will save you hours of admin time and streamline your finances. The question is, what will you do with the extra time every month?

Why use an editable invoice template for a fitness business?

Using a template for your client invoices is a great way to save time and streamline monthly financial admin. You can either have one template per service (PT, classes, small group training etc) or have one template per client for long-term people. This saves you having to put client information in each time you raise an invoice.

How to use invoice templates for fitness clients

We’ve created an awesome template which you can customise to use in your own fitness business. Our template already has everything a good invoice needs to have (space for client details, invoice number, date, and fee, plus your payment details).

Feel free to customise the template with your logo or brand colours, plus any other information you want to add.

Five reasons to use an invoice template for your fitness business

  1. Get paid faster – using a professional invoice, with clear payment terms, usually makes people pay up much faster (and doesn’t allow for excuses like “I don’t have your bank details)
  2. Save time on financial admin days – using a template for invoicing could slash hours off your regular financial admin days so you can allocate more time to marketing, programming, or delivery
  3. Reinforce your business branding – customise your invoice templates with logo and brand colours to strengthen your branding
  4. Give your business a professional look – using proper invoices is professional and shows you take your business seriously
  5. Make end-of-year accounts easier – when it comes to preparing your accounts or doing your tax return, you’ll be glad you switched to using a proper invoicing system

Limitations of using a template

Raising your own invoices using a template like this is one step up from doing everything manually. But there’s an even better way to invoice fitness clients. Use dedicated business software that is designed to make light work of financial admin. That way, you’ll set it up once and it will just run itself.

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