Creating referral systems

Flex Your Referral Muscles By Creating A Two-Pronged Referral System

minute read
A thoughtful referral system can be a game-changer, bringing in new clients faster and raising your profile so everyone benefits. Here’s how to set up a good referral programme with clients or with other fitness professionals.

Whether you’re a mobile PT or a bricks and mortar gym owner, we know you’re always looking for ways to grow your client base. And if it’s a win/win benefit for someone else, even better.

A thoughtful referral system can be a game-changer, bringing in new clients faster and raising your profile so everyone benefits. Here’s how to set up a good referral programme with clients or with other fitness professionals.

Why bother with referrals?

Isn’t rewarding referrals just giving stuff away? If someone wants to recommend you, surely they don’t need rewarding? You could look at it that way, but you’ll be seriously stifling your opportunity for growth. Having a referral system allows you to encourage referrals, rather than being reactive about them on a random basis.

The right type of new client

Referrals from existing members are likely to bring in warm, pre-qualified leads who are already sold on the benefits of signing up.

Credibility and trust

People trust recommendations from friends and respected professionals more than they trust ads and marketing.


If you plan them properly, rewarding referrals is more cost-effective than marketing and advertising strategies

What are the downsides of a referrals system?

Managing expectations

Clients might hype you up a little too much, bringing in leads who think you provide different services or do more than you actually do.

Professional reputation

Setting up a referral system with other businesses can be a great idea, unless the relationship turns sour.

New client overload

What would happen if your referral system worked a little too well? It’s a nice problem to have, but still a problem!

7 steps to getting referrals from other businesses

Getting referrals from businesses in your local area (or online, if either of you is remote) can be a great way to boost both businesses.

1. Put it in writing

Don’t rely on a hearty handshake - get your referral scheme in writing. Define expectations, terms, and benefits – plus what happens if anything changes. Not only does this look professional, but it also speeds up the process.

2. Be selective

Identify suitable professionals in your area or in related niches. They don’t have to be other fitness businesses – referrals could work with complimentary services as long as it truly benefits the end user. Be ready to tweak your plan based on their feedback.

3. Mutual benefits

Make sure the scheme and rewards benefit both businesses. This will mean digging deep into their clients to understand what they want from each service.

4. Consider the client

Keep the end user in mind. Does this cross-referral really benefit them? Profile the clients who would use both businesses to understand how this reward would make their life better.

5. Max capacity

We hope your referral partnership takes off….but how much extra work can you handle? Think about what would happen if it went crazy. How many new clients can you handle? How much onboarding, coaching, and managing of extra people can your systems withstand?

6. Shout about it

Once the scheme is set, talk about it! Use both business’s social media, mailing lists, and other online and offline marketing channels to talk about the benefits to clients.

7. Protect your business

When you’re partnering with another business, there’s always a chance things might take a turn for the worse. Make sure your written agreement includes what will happen if either party changes their mind or if you fall out. Protect your reputation by controlling what is said and done.

How to max out client referrals

As far as marketing strategies go, referrals from existing clients are gold. Here's how to set up a client referral scheme that’s attractive to them, and streamlined for you.

Smart rewards

Think about how to reward referrals. If someone is likely to bring in more than one, they won’t want a branded water bottle every time. Offer something of real value, like a free session.

What is a client worth?

Decide on an appropriate referral reward by thinking about the lifetime value of a new client. If your offer is high-ticket, you’ll need to give a hefty thank-you for every referral.

Spread the word

Promote your referral programme during onboarding, in your facility, on social media, and via any emails or messaging. People won’t remember unless you remind them.

Encourage honesty

Make sure your clients to be honest about what you do, who you help, and what your business offers. This helps ensures a good fit when new clients come for a chat.

The Striive Client Area allows current and potential clients to connect with your business, you can brand it up and connect it to your social media to act as a landing page!

Current clients can make browse your services and make purchases in your shop, add payments to existing packages, book classes via the schedule, request sessions, sign up agreements and complete PAR-Qs.

New clients can browse your shop and schedule before signing up, and once they do we'll collect their key information, ask them to sign an agreement and complete a PAR-Q.

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